If you wanna email me, click here! 
if you want to cantact me, or send me news,info, pictures, it all would be used and much appreciated! 
To email Gerling collectivly click here! To email Gerling induvidually click the links below.... Burke~*~ Paul~*~ Darren ~*~ Write to Gerling's manager Adam Yee (he loves to get mail!) Im sure he will happily pass on fan mail and letters to Gerling. Or just drop him a line. I suggest you only write to him about quieries about the gerling website or avalibility of merchandise
4/43 Commodore Street Newtown Sydney NSW 2042
BUT...to actually write to Gerling (fan mail) use this addy..
Gerling at Troyhorse Studios Level 2 ,44-54 Botany Road Alexandria NSW 2015
and it will all be taken care of =)
